I set out to create “Hold Your Fork” because of what I believe to be a lack of genuine food writers, reporters, and bloggers who talk about what I want to hear about. Phoenix is a BIG city, full of people from all over, yet our food scene seems, on the surface, like there are just a small handful of really excellent or write-home-about-em restaurants. But that is simply not true. Frankly, I am sick of it.
This is me Sid.
Welcome to Hold Your Fork.
I should introduce myself. My name is Sidney Pearce. I am a 5th generation Arizonan. For most of my professional life, I have worked in the service industry (where my fellow servers at?). And I should be clear from the jump: I am no culinary expert. But I have a good idea of what a good meal looks like. And I have an ever clearer idea of what a bad meal looks like. Let’s call ‘em as we see ‘em.
Hold Your Fork will be 100% transparent. If, in the course of my quest to find and talk about the best food in the valley, I get an offer to get dinner paid for... then the reader will be the first to know. Moreover, if that dinner was bad… You guessed it. The reader will be the first to know. Paid partnerships? Restaurant Giveaways? Not with Hold Your Fork.
In the food world, line cooks are the real heroes, I am going to be relying on my back of house friends and colleagues to educate me as we eat, drink, and talk about some of the food Phoenix has to offer. Who knows more about the food than the guys and gals who make it on a daily basis?